Getting clean is one thing, staying clean is another. But there are concrete ways to avoid the people places and situations that can lead to relapse.
Once you’ve completedtreatment, your journey of recovery is only beginning. In the protected environment of drug and alcohol rehab, it’s easy to avoid triggers and to avoid the people who would threaten your sobriety. Once you’re back in your everyday life, it will take a more proactive plan to avoid friends and acquaintances who are still using.

Avoiding Places & People To Avoid Relapse
It’s important to surround yourself with family and friends who support you and can help you if they see you starting to slip. At the same time, it’s just as important to avoid friends and acquaintances that don’t support your long-term recovery. Anyone who is not completely in favor of your journey away from drugs is someone who puts you in at risk of returning to drugs.
In addition to avoiding people who put you in the path of temptation, you want to avoid places that are dangerous to your sobriety as well. Don’t go to locations where you think you might be tempted to use. Also, avoid circumstances that may take you back emotionally to a place when you were addicted. When it’s not possible to completely avoid a situation, plan ahead. Let a supportive friend or mentor know what you are facing and stay connected. If you need to take yourself out of a situation, get out immediately and touch base with someone safe who is championing your sobriety.
Everyone Falls
Even with the best planning, you may still falter. If you do make a mistake, it’s important to forgive yourself and move on. If you beat yourself up for one slip, it will become easy to use that as an excuse to return to a life of addiction. As you continue on your journey of recovery, it will become easier to maneuver your way through the barriers to long-term sobriety and feel more confident.
Addiction Treatment
If you or someone you love is battling an addiction or co-occurring disorder, call The Oaks at La Paloma at our toll-free number. Someone is there to take your call 24 hours a day and answer any questions you have about treatment, financing or insurance.
Articles posted here are primarily educational and may not directly reflect the offerings at The Oaks. For more specific information on programs at The Oaks, contact us today.