It’s an emotional time when you realize that you need treatment for a substance abuse problem or co-occurring disorder. There are so many questions that come to mind and so many details that need to be worked out: Inpatient or outpatient? How long will treatment take? How much will it cost? What about transportation? What […]
Posts Tagged ‘Substance Abuse’

In April 2014, a mother in South Carolina was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being convicted of homicide by child abuse, involuntary manslaughter and unlawful conduct toward a child. Her real crime was allegedly passing on morphine to her baby through breast milk. When the infant died in November 2010 at just six […]

Marijuana became legal for recreational use in Colorado on New Year’s Day 2014, but will it be a cash cow for local government? It’s estimated that the state will take in approximately $184 million in tax revenue from marijuana in the first 18 months after legislation, according to a report from the state’s Joint Budget […]

The fashion and design worlds have always seemed to have a fascination with drugs and drug culture. From the flower-powered designs of the 1960s to heroin chic in the ‘90s, there’s a knowing wink by designers. The latest to take on trend is Jonathan Adler. Christmas shoppers can choose from a variety of drug-related items […]
For the casual drinker, it can be comforting to hear that a few glasses of wine each week can have health benefits. But promoting alcohol as “healthy” may be a bit of a stretch, especially for those who consume several drinks a day. Those who indulge at that level could be doing irreparable damage to […]

The pictures tell a gruesome tale: Gangrenous limbs, scaly skin, abscesses and painful lesions. It’s the work of a dangerous new drug called krokodil. It’s pronounced just like the green swamp dwellers found in Florida, but its bite can be even more deadly. Also known as “the flesh-eating drug,” it’s arrived on our shores from […]

You may think your children aren’t listening, but research shows that parents play a critical role in preventing their kids from using drugs. Even armed with those statistics, though, it can be hard to have a conversation with your teen or pre-teen about substance use. Fortunately, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has launched […]

Does your ethnicity make you more or less susceptible to substance abuse? A recent study seems to prove your heritage does play a role. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) recently issued a report entitled “Need for and Receipt of Substance Use Treatment Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.” The findings showed […]

The sudsy new ABC nighttime soap Nashville may not be a completely realistic take on the music biz – or life in Music City (locals would never hang out at the riverfront!) – but its portrayal of addiction is hitting home. Troubled young country star Juliette (played by Hayden Panettiere) doesn’t know what to do […]

It can be overwhelming trying to keep up with the latest trends in addiction, what new warning signs parents and teachers should be on the lookout for, and the latest everyday item teens are using to get high and endanger their health. Sometimes it is best to get back to basics. Our general understanding of […]