When someone has a drug or alcohol problem, it is common for family members and loved ones to want the individual to seek help before he agrees that a problem exists. This situation can often strain relationships. Remember, when someone is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he is not thinking clearly. As a […]
Treatment Related Posts
Can animals aid in addiction recovery? Science shows pet therapy offers positive results, but The Oaks at La Paloma’s feline friends are just plain fun to have around. Animal-assisted therapy is nothing new. We’ve all seen companion animals used to help people with special needs. Animals can benefit more than just those with physical issues, […]
When considering treatment for a chemical dependency for yourself or a loved one, the first inclination is find a center close to home. But many who enter treatment do so in another state. Why go so far for a service you can get in your own neighborhood? So many people with a chemical dependency or […]
Our society has conditioned us to expect immediate results. Need to find the capital of Burundi? The answer is just a mouse click away. Want a hot fudge sundae in the middle of the night? There’s a store open to cater to that craving. Need a package delivered by tomorrow morning? There are several carriers […]
The numbers don’t lie. SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association) recently released results for their study of clients discharged from substance abuse treatment facilities. States are asked to submit data for all discharges from substance abuse treatment, and data comes from facilities that are licensed or certified by the State substance abuse agency […]
For those who haven’t battled a substance abuse problem or other addiction, just getting the hang of the language can be a difficult undertaking at first. Even the basics aren’t always clear. Take the terms “treatment” and “recovery” for instance. If you’re in treatment, aren’t you going through recovery? What’s the difference?