Posts Tagged ‘Pot’

“We should not be locking up kids or individual users for long stretches of jail time when some of the folks who are writing those laws have probably done the same thing,” Is the public perception of pot changing? And will a statement from President Obama help to make that shift? Early in 2014, just […]

As recreational marijuana use becomes legal in several states and the push continues for expanded legalization, law enforcement has a new issue to deal with: spotting impaired drivers. As drunk driving has gained awareness and public service announcements to warn against driving while alcohol impaired have become the norm, the breathalyzer has become the standard […]

In the race to find a new high, some drug enthusiasts are turning to something called butane hash oil (aka BHO). This potent marijuana concentrate is far from what is found in a typical joint, though. In fact, BHO can exceed 80 percent THC content, compared to smoked marijuana, which averaged a THC content of […]

For many the point of smoking marijuana is to get high, but Israeli researchers have bred a cannabis plant that looks, smells and tastes like ordinary marijuana, minus one important ingredient. The new plants lack THC, the active ingredient responsible for pot’s high. This may not be cause for rejoicing among recreational marijuana users, but […]

Thought of by some as harmless, marijuana is addictive and harmful to your health, creating a need for rehab options for those who can’t quit. It’s portrayed as harmless in movies and on TV shows while musicians extol its “virtues” and admit to being regular users, despite the fact that marijuana is still an illegal […]

While drug addiction is seen as a problem, marijuana use is tolerated with a knowing wink by celebs. Heroin, club drugs and prescription pain med addictions are all recognized as problems, especially when they go from dabbling to addiction, but for many, smoking pot is not put in the same class. It’s something to do […]

Some Californians see pot as a cash crop and the key to the state’s considerable financial woes. But will legalization lead to a costly new addiction problem? As drug abuse continues to be a problem that affects all ages and socio-economic groups, one drug is garnering growing support for legalization and making it more readily […]