Posts Tagged ‘Family’

We all know meth is dangerous. Adults who are chronic users can even bear telltale signs like discolored skin and rotten or missing teeth. Then there are the locations where meth is manufactured. You hear stories on the news of busts happening in seemingly quiet rural or suburban neighborhoods, or worse, of explosions when the […]

Addiction doesn’t just affect the individual with a substance abuse problem. Loved ones are impacted, too. It’s especially hard when there are children who are affected by a parent’s drug use. Almost as difficult is finding a way to talk to your children about your addiction. Children in Substance Abuse Homes Blame Themselves

Addiction doesn’t occur in a bubble. It affects those around you, most notably family and loved ones. While a substance abuse problem manifests itself in an individual, if the solution involves the family too, the benefits can include longer lasting sobriety. Here’s how family can play a role in treatment: Become informed While a loved […]